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Back Deck Roller Assembly Information

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Back Deck Roller Assembly Information
Price: $5.00
Part Number: FF-backdeckrollerassy
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Futon Back Deck Top or Bottom Roller, Pin, Washer, & Clip Information ONLY

If you pay $5.00, we will send you the name and address of the manufacturer of this item.  There is no guarantee that they will give you the item for free, or sell you the item, but if you're frame is under warranty, they should be able to help you.

We no longer have any of these parts.  If you have any parts from a futon frame that you no longer need, we will buy them from you, or you can send them to us so that we can recycle them, and so that others that need these parts can get them and don't need to purchase a completely new frame.  Please email us for more in formation.
Short Futon Roller Assembly Information - These particular rollers are used on front operating frames where the rollers travel in a channel in the arm.  There is a pin which is 1/4" diameter and 2" long.  Then there is a hollow metal shaft that goes over the pin which is about 7/8" long.  The black plastic roller is 5/8" long and about 5/8" diameter at the small end, and 15/16th at the flanged end.  There is also a washer and a clip, and there are two sets of holes at the bottom of the pin which allow it to be adjusted.

Approximate Dimensions - See Above


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