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Bolt for Older Style Double Roller

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Bolt for Double Futon Roller
Price: $9.95
Part Number: FF-doublerollerbolt


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2 to 3$8.45
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8 to 100$6.45

Double Roller Bolt.  Old Style 1 5/8" long

Bolt for Double Futon Roller (Each) - This is the specialized bolt, used for the older style double futon roller.  Just make note that it's the length of 1 5/8", and the thread will work, and it will fit.  The newer bolts are shorter.  The bolt uses an Allen wrench, and is guaranteed to fit our double futon rollers.  It usually fits all of the double rollers that we've seen, but we only guarantee that it will fit our rollers.  If you order them, and they don't fit, you may send them back, and as long as they are not damaged, we will issue a refund less $5.00 for shipping and handling.

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Dimensions - All sizes are Approximate

Bolt is approximately 1 5/8" Long with a fine metric thread.  Please note that there is no guarantee that this bolt will work on any other double roller, and there are no returns, if the bolts are cross threaded or damaged in any way.

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