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1/2" Head Futon Hardware Set

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1/2" Head Futon Hardware Set
Price: $49.95
Part Number: FF-hardwareset1/2


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Futon Hardware

Futon Hardware Set- This set includes the following.  8 - 1/2" Head Futon Bolts with Recessed Hex Heads, 8 Barrel Nuts, 2 Clevis Pins with 2 Washers, and 2 Cotter Pins.  The Bolts you need in the front of your frame, may be different than the ones you need in the rear of the frame, so you will select the length of the bolts you need for the front or the rear.

Note: We have many other sizes of bolts, so if you need different sizes of bolts, send us an email prior to ordering.

Terms for Purchasing Hardware

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